New scaffolding at 17 euros / sqm

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I sell new bushing scaffold with ministerial booklet consisting of 1 frame 2 beams and 1 diagonal.
Possibility of 2 platforms and 1 new batten total 34 euros per sqm.
I do not respond to messages.

17,00 €


I offer

Italy / Veneto

Total lot price: 17,00 € Unit price: 17,00 € / 1 sqm Quantity: 1 sqm 0 saved ScaffoldingGoffi



This advertisement is no longer available. This advertisement has been temporarily suspended by the author and the advertiser can no longer be contacted. Find similar ads here: Scaffolding

Painted bushing scaffold.  Top

Painted bushing scaffold arranged on containers as pictured. Galvanized platforms and accessories needed for proper assembly also available upon request.

Premium User Roberto (#1003) | Italy | 228782 views 3 saved