324 square meters of Carpedil scaffolding

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I sell 324 sqm of CARPEDIL scaffolding complete with ministerial booklet plus accessories.
- 90 frames,
- 180 beams,
- 90 diagonals,
- 180 dowels,
- 180 metal boards,
- 90 footing boards
- 70 adjustable h50 baseboards
- 4 ladder board
- 4 ladders
- 20 anchors
- 30 swivel joints
- 25 parapets 1m
- 50 parapets 2m
- 225 beams painted parapets
- 20 half frames
- 20 gates


I offer

Italy / Emilia-Romagna

Quantity: 324 sqm 0 saved ScaffoldingCarpedil



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Painted bushing scaffold.  Top

Painted bushing scaffold arranged on containers as pictured. Galvanized platforms and accessories needed for proper assembly also available upon request.

Premium User Roberto (#1003) | Italy | 232381 views 3 saved