Construction site rubble unloading pipes for sale


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Selling 10 green color pipes rubble discharge. Complete kit with hopper and funnel. Excellent condition, like new, very good deal. 1000 euro negotiable

1000,00 €

Debora (#104564) | 9928 views

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Total lot price: 1000,00 € Unit price: 100,00 € / 1 pcs Quantity: 10 pcs 0 saved Construction equipment, construction machinery and tools

Construction equipment, construction machinery and tools

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Sheet metal caisson  Top

Sturdy, galvanized, 2 ton capacity, stackable sheet metal caisson. Measures 1000 x 800 x h 600. Ideal for storing construction materials and small metal parts.

Premium User Roberto (#1003) | Italy | 169054 views 0 saved

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Rubble discharge pipes

For sale 10 green rubble discharge pipes complete kit hopper and funnel like new, great deal.

700,00 €

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Pipes for dumping rubble construction sites

10 pipes rubble discharge kit complete with hopper and funnel excellent deal.

700,00 €

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